leading official project name source
Jiang Yanhui Public opinion identification and accurate guidance in major emergencies: based on the perspective of social contagion theory National Natural Science Foundation of China
Wang Feng Research on the generation, communication and redissemination mechanism of employee-created content: the perspective of social network National Natural Science Foundation of China
Feng Ke The dual effect and policy research of the global value chain embedding on the knowledge reorganization ability of the integrated industries National Natural Science Foundation of China
Zeng Deming Research on the innovation, development and management of the enterprise technology standard alliance for "Belt and Road" National Natural Science Foundation of China
Yang Honglin Integrated Optimization on Large Engineering Multi-Project Scheduling and Material Supply in the Complex and Uncertain Environment National Natural Science Foundation of China
Hu Xuejun Integrated optimization of large engineering project group scheduling and material supply in a complex and uncertain environment National Natural Science Foundation of China
Xiong Beibei Research on Quota Allocation and Driving Factors Decomposition of Carbon Emissions Based on Data Envelopment Analysis National Natural Science Foundation of China
Luo Lanlan Optimization of credit limit allocation and risk prevention of internet consumer credit from the perspective of present bias National Natural Science Foundation of China
Zeng Yongliang Managerial sentiment, corporate investment behavior, and macroeconomic forecasts National Natural Science Foundation of China

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