
Leadership & Governance

Dean: Yang Zhi&Professional Title: Professor and Doctoral Supervisor&Academic Degree: PhD&Research Area: Marketing&Tel:0731-88823893&E-mail:yangmkt@126.com
Secretary of the CPC Business School Committee: Zhang Yuejun&Professional Title: Professor and Doctoral Supervisor&Academic Degree: PhD&Research Area: Oil assets pricing and forecasting, carbon trading and carbon emission reduction policy, and complex system modeling for energy economy etc.&E-mail:zyjmis@126.com
Deputy Secretary of CPC Business School Committee: Li Enjun&Professional Title: Lecturer&Telephone: 0731-88822201&E-mail: 40302920@qq.com
Vice Dean: Jiang Yanhui&Professional Title: Professor and Doctoral Supervisor&Academic Degree: PhD&Research Area: Intelligent accounting, data mining and financial decision-making, new book-keeping method (block chain) and its auditing&E-mail:huihui0733@163.com
Vice Dean: Wang Feng&Professional Title: Professor and Doctoral Supervisor&Academic Degree: PhD&Research Area: Digital society and digital marketing, multi-modal big data and user behavior, emerging technology and enterprise innovation, and marketing model etc.&E-mail:fwang@hnu.edu.cn
Vice Dean: Wang Gangjin&Professional Title: Professor and Doctoral Supervisor&Academic Degree: PhD&Research Area: Financial technology and financial engineering, financial risk management, management statistics and econometrics, complex financial network, systematic financial risk, digital currency and risk management&E-mail:wanggangjin@hnu.edu.cn
Vice Dean: Zhang Long&Professional Title: Professor and Doctoral Supervisor&Academic Degree: PhD&Research Area: Artificial intelligence and business management, strategic human resource management, organizational behavior, innovation and entrepreneurship, business ethics, leadership, and qualitative and quantitative research methods etc.&E-mail:lyonzhang@foxmail.com